
It was one of my first lessons as an international student in New York City. My US history teacher had just finished his lesson. He sat back in his armchair comfortably, and asked: “Was there anybody doing anything interesting yesterday?”“I drew a panda, which was lovely!” a girl beside me shouted.Then, the talk developed rapidly. Someone said he had received his learner’s driving permit, while another mentioned that she had spent the first salary from her part-time job. Everybody seemed to have something to say. Although there was a range of people, from different backgrounds “大包干、大包干,直来直去不拐弯。保证国家的,留足集体的,剩下都是自己的。”这首歌谣是农民赞扬: [  ] A. 新中国土地改革的实行 B. 家庭联产承包责任制的实行 C. 人民公社的成立 D. 农业生产合作社的成立
英语 试题推荐