
When I was a child, I promised to try to remember as much as I could about my childhood. Because from what I could __21__, it seemed that most __22__ had forgotten their childhoods. I wanted to __23__ other adults and myself when the time came. You should __24__ some useful things when you get away from your __25__.       When I was three years old, my parents asked me to be __26__. I did not understand why my parents asked a three-year-old girl to depend on myself. I did not have a doll. We did not have much __27__ and a doll seemed so expensive. __28__, my father managed to __29__ me a痰是由气管内表面的_______向咽喉方向不停地摆动,把外来的_______.细菌等和_________一起送到咽部,通过_________排出体外。
英语 试题推荐