
Technology helps people do everything from planning to meet for a movie to keeping in touch with a friend who lives in a different country. When planning to get together with friends,Julian said,“If I want to go and see a movie with a few friends,I usually send them text messages.By telephone,you have to call every single friend one by one.But text messaging allows you to send the same message to as many people as you’d like,which saves a lot of time.” Email,IM,and other low­cost methods of communication also help people keep long­distance friendships in ways the利用人粪尿禽畜粪尿和农物秸杆生产沼气和高温堆肥所应用的原理是( ) A.光合作用 B.呼吸作用 C.蒸腾作用 D.扩散作用
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