
When I was thirteen, an eight-grader hit me in the stomach. And this made me___1___. I told Nana that I wanted to beat him before she began to give one of hour-long talks. Among other things, I remember she told me that I didn’t need to worry about the boy. “Every good deed will come back to you some day, ” she said.It took me___2___to understand the meaning. Nana was living in a board-and-care home in California. Each Tuesday, I took her out to___3___. I would always find her___4___in a chair right by the front door. I remember our very last dinner together___5___she went into the hospi我们可以利用矿泉水瓶做小实验来说明一些物理知识.①双手挤压空矿泉水瓶可以使瓶子变形,如果施加的力增大,瓶子变形程度就加大,这表明力的作用效果跟力的______有关;②在空矿泉水瓶侧壁不同高度的地方锥出上、下两个小孔,往里面倒满水,可以观察到水从两个小孔流了出来,其中下孔流出的水喷得最急,这表明液体的压强随深度的增加而______;③往空矿泉水瓶内注入少量的热水,摇晃后倒掉并立即盖紧瓶盖,过一会儿发现瓶子慢慢向内凹陷,这说明______;④将空矿泉水瓶放倒在水平桌面上,用力向它的侧面吹气它会滚动,但用同样的力向它的底部吹气它却不容易滑动,这表明在压力相同的条件下______.
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