
Best High School Band Plays Turner Field     The North Cobb High School Band routinely takes the field every Friday night during football season. The band plays at North Cobb football games.     This week, the band had to get ready a little earlier in the week. That’s because they played before the Atlanta Braves baseball game at Turner Field.     North Cobb won wsbtv.com’s Best High School Band Tournament (锦标赛) last season. The prize for winning was a chance to play on the field at Turner Field before a Major League Baseball game. Tuesday night, the band collected下列表示细胞膜的亚显微结构。请同答:(1)图中A的特异性最终是由        决定的。(2)葡萄糖经小肠黏膜上皮进入毛细血管,需穿过的磷脂分子层数是        层。核糖体合成的胞外酶,经内质网、高尔基体加工,最终被细胞膜分泌出去。则由内质网到细胞外,共穿过的生物膜层数是        。(3)制备较纯净的细胞膜,可选择哺乳动物或人的成熟红细胞,原因是        ;“血影”的化学成分中脂质主要是哪一类?        。(4)叶绿体和线粒体等细胞结构中均有此结构,但执行的具体功能有很大的区别,其原因是由于图中        (填字母)不同所致。 (5)正在研制中的预防艾滋病的疫苗,能够使人体淋巴细胞产生特异性物质A,这种A是        。
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