
The Dog and the Joey    Leonie Allan lives in an area of Australia where people often find wildlife in their yards. One spring morning, Leonie took her dog Rex for a walk as usual. The walk was casual, but Rex was acting strangely afterward. As Leonie worked in the yard, Rex kept looking down on the road where they had taken their walk. Then he began standing very still, with his nose pointing toward what he wanted Leonie to notice.    Rex, a mixed breed (血统), is part “pointer”. Pointers are dogs that naturally stand very still and point with their entire body in the direction古诗文默写(1)__________ ,小桥流水人家,_______________。(马致远《天净沙.秋思》)(2)《同儿辈赋未开海棠》中以桃李闹春来反衬海棠不与百花争春的美德的诗句是:____________,____________。 (3)《论诗》中说明文学惟有创新,才能领时代风骚的句子是:_____________,_____________。(4)《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》一诗中含有典故的诗句是:_____________,____________。(5)《陋室铭》中,刘禹锡在描述陋室生活的同时,也谈及了他的交友原则:_____________,_____________。
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