
Newspapers and websites are two major news media in the world today. They can provide us for a lot of news and information.                                                                              1.         But they vary in some ways. Newspapers enjoy longer history              2.         and often come out daily with more reliable news and information         3.         They can be carried and read in any place you like it. So many             选词填空(共10分)选词填空,根据文章内容,选用所给单词的适当形式填空。其中有两个是多余的。talent,tennis,but,chocolate,someone,ball,young,study,old,competition,bring,neverMy hero(英雄)? Well, I think I can call my elder brother, Richard, my hero. Richard is four years 1. than I am. When we were small, 2. was a big thing. If someone gave him a piece of chocolate, he would 3. half of it home for me. He is a very 4. tennis player. He had tennis training classes every weekend and 5. almost every month in the last 10 years. Besides, he 6. harder than I did at school. You would think that 7. like him would not have time for his little brother. 8. he does! He 9. says to me that he has no time for me. He is always there if I need him. He is also my 10. coach(教练). I love playing with him. 
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