
Did you know that Christmas shopping is even worse for our health than we previously thought? According to an internet survey, the incidence of hypertension during the festive shopping season is on the up. Christmas shopping increased blood pressure to dangerous levels in 50 percent of shoppers. This can lead to hypertension. Heart rates increased by an average of 10 per cent during Christmas shopping. In the study of 16 men and 16 women, men had the worst beating in heart rate during a 90-minute shopping. Samuel Thompson, 30, said: “I had to buy five items and had an hour and a half27.某溶液中可能含有、、Cl-。为了检验其中是否含有,除BaCl2溶液外,还需要的溶液是 A.H2SO4                       B.HCl                         C.NaOH                       D.NaNO3
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