
It was my first day at school. I felt nervous and (71)         (scare). I went to all my classes with no friends. I listened (72)           (anxious) to all the lessons and waited for lunch break at one. Then finally the bell rang (73)         (announce) the time to talk and have fun. In the lunch line I met a new friend with a hijab (头套) on her head, and though I am Jewish, we got (74)          fine, and I was so relieved when she said, “Sit with us, at our table.” I agreed, took my dish and was about to walk with her (75)          我们所说的水资源通常是指( )A.海洋水 B.海洋水与陆地水C.地下水 D.陆地上的淡水资源
英语 试题推荐