
下列书写全对的一组是(    ) A、暗淡      无精打采     碗碟        帐簿 B、耽误      热辣辣       拔擢        神智不清 C、誊写      老态龙钟     鞠躬尽粹    理屈词穷 D、厮扯      变幻无常     懵懂顽童    掎角之势 答案:D 解析: 略 第II卷(非选择题  共55分) 单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 根据所给汉语注释在答题纸上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一个词) 66.You can’t ______(可能地)run a mile in two minutes. 67.A lot of Chinese ______(饭店) sprung up abroad because more and more foreigners have come to      love Chinese food. 68.Please turn to the _______ ( 四) page. 69.I feel greatly        (荣幸)to have the chance to give you a talk. 70.The painting was _____(画) when he was 12years old. 71.Our English teacher is _______ ( 严格 ) with us than the history teacher. 72.He wasn’t feeling well, for       (经常) cough made him unable to fall asleep. 73.Look, some children are _______( 野餐 ) in the forest. 74.There was only a large apple ______(收成)this year. 75.He wrote one of his great ______( 著作 ) , “The Civil War in France”.
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