
To get your family working and learning together~ and also help some beautiful insects in spring一try a backyard butterfly garden. With just a little planning, you can create an attractive habitat for butterflies. The biggest problem facing butterflies is destruction of habitat. Even if your garden offers just a few butterfly-friendly flowers in pots or containers, it can help the insects' population, just like chicken soup for a cold. Choose special plants on which butterflies feed. Wherever you are, simple flowers such as daisies and violets can serve as butterfly-friendly snacking 某条约签订后,清廷希望再开谈判,以免除关税为代价,换取外族放弃公使驻京、江河通路、内地游历和归还广东省城。这从本质上反映了清政府                  (    )     A.以关税作为谈判的重要筹码             B.重视维护国家主权与尊严     C.对“贸易立国”缺乏清醒认识           D.竭力保全华夷之间的樊篱
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