
TAIBEI - Increasing numbers of Taiwanese students are joining the island’s “China rush”, seeking education on the Chinese mainland.     According to official Chinese figures, the number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate(研究生)programs on the mainland totaled 461 in 1996, 928 in 1997 and 839 in 1998.Although no latest official numbers were available,” Netbig. Com Said this number had risen between 30 to 50 percent annually in the past two years with well over 1000 entering mainland campuses last year.     The Internet site, based in the Chi7.下列各组物质,属于同分异构体的是(  )A.正丁烷与异丁烷B.白磷和红磷C.${\;}_{1}^{1}$H2和${\;}_{1}^{2}$H2D.H2O与H2O2
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