
When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter(收容所), he did not expect much.  Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He  36 her Inky.  “ I grew up on a hundred-acre(亩) farm and had only cats  37   playmates”, Kruger, the seventy-year-old man says. “My hearing was damaged by the    38   of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with   39.They react to what they see and what you do.”     Inky was a gentle cat,   40     the house with five other cats.  But on25、小刚收集了一些化学反应的微观方面的信息,准备研究化学反应的实质.请你帮助他完成分析.(1)下图是某个化学反应前、后的微观模拟图.图中“●”、“○”表示不同的元素的原子.据图可知,实际参与反应的●●和○○两种粒子个数比为1:2,该反应属于化合反应(填写基本反应类型)(2)从图中可以看出,这些粒子都是由分子构成的(填“分子”或“原子”),在化学反应前后,原子不变(填“分子”或“原子”),只是重新组合.(3)请通过上面的规律来分析,过氧化钠(Na2O2)是潜水艇氧气再生装置的制氧剂,它能与二氧化碳反应生成氧气,反应的化学方程式为2Na2O2+2CO2=O2+2X,则X的化学式为Na2CO3.(4)科学技术的发展,使人们操纵单个原子和分子成为可能,从而可以直接用原子来制造分子.若能用这种方法制造葡萄糖(C6H12O6),不需要C(填序号).A.碳原子      B.氢原子      C.氮原子      D.氧原子.
英语 试题推荐