
On a warm Monday.Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees.Rolling down the windows to   1   in fresh air, she settled back to enjoy her lunch.Suddenly she   2   a big bald (秃顶的) man running through the parking lot.Before she came to   3   what would happen, the man was there, shouting through her window.Get out      Neilson   4  .      Pulling open her floor, the man seized her   5   the neck and hair, and threw, her out of the car onto the ground.She screamed,   6   her purse and the keys.      Two reporte某同学在做平抛运动实验时得到了如图所示的物体运动轨迹,A、B、C三点的位置在运动轨迹上已标出(g取10m/s2),则:(1)小球平抛的初速度为________m/s.(2)小球在B点瞬时速度vB=________m/s.(3)小球开始做平抛运动的位置坐标为:x=________cm,y=________cm.
英语 试题推荐