
Do we think only with the brain? Hardly. The brain is like a telephone exchange. It is the switchboard, but not the whole system. Its function is to receive incoming signals, make proper connections, and send the messages through to their destination. For efficient service, the body must function as a whole.But where is the “mind”? Is it in the brain or perhaps in the nervous system? After all, can we say that the mind is in any particular place? It is not a thing, like a leg, or even the brain. It is a function, an activity. Aristotle, twenty-three hundred years ago, observed that the min下列人类与类人猿的关系中,错误的是(  )A.类人猿是人类的祖先B.类人猿与人类的亲缘关系最近C.类人猿与人类都起源于森林古猿D.类人猿与人类发生分化的主要原因是各自生活的环境条件不同 
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