
After years of study, I have known there are only two types of people in this world: those who get to the airport early and those who arrive when the plane is about to take off. If there were any justice(公正)in this world, early-airport people would be rewarded for doing the right thing. And late-airport people would be punished. But early-airport people get ulcers(溃疡), heart attacks and bite their fingernails to the bone. Late-airport people almost don’t realize they are flying. A guy of that kind once said, “Don’t hurry. If you miss your flight, it’s because God doesn 下列文学常识表述有误的一项是 [  ] A. 朱自清,字佩弦,中国现代散文家、诗人、民主战士。毛.泽东对他拒绝领取美国救济粮的行为给予高度评价。 B. 郁达夫,“左联”的发起人之一,他的第一本小说集《沉沦》是我国现代文学史上的第一本小说集。 C. 《荷塘月色》《背影》都是朱自清著名的写景抒情散文,其中深沉的情感、优美的文字影响了几代人。 D. 《囚绿记》的作者陆蠡是一位爱国的散文家和翻译家,1942年被日寇杀害。
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