
  ①范仲淹在《渔家傲·秋思》中以“          ,          ”写出了戍边征夫思乡与报国的心里矛盾。   ②陈与义《登岳阳楼》中的诗句“          ,          ”从时空跨度上叙事状态,抒写了一个亡国之臣心中强烈的愤懑和万般的无奈。   ③李清照《武陵春》中“          ,          ”这两句化抽象为具体,写尽忧愁之沉重。   ④“          ” “          ”,《咏雪》中对“白雪纷纷何所以”所作的Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently. 1.________First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. 2._______ What you need to do is to find listening resources. The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The Real Player from Real Media.com. The Real Player allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated (受阻) by limited understanding. 3.________Here is some of the advice I give my students: Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times. Do not translate everything into your native language. 4._______ Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas. Listen to something you enjoy.I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didn't understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. ____5.___ Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts. Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didn’t pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.A.What should you do?B.But listening is a problem for most of the beginners!C.However, after several weeks, I got used to the grammar rules.D.The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.E.This method usually resulted in confusion.F.Listen for the general idea of the conversation.G.But you can’t follow a native English speaker at all!
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