
Chen Yuhang doesn’t know why, but every year when Spring Festival arrives, the 25-year-old civil servant feels a natural impulse to go home. Not to the one he rents in Beijing, but the old apartment back in Jiangxi province. It’s by no means an easy ride. “It’s like a seasonal spike of emotions. You go through all that toil of taking three trains to get home because you just know you have to go back, no matter what,” said Chen. It’s a feeling Chen shares with most people in China at this time of year. What makes home so unique in the Chinese value system, and how its definit朱熹:(1130—1202)著名 , , , 诗人,、文学家。字元晦,后改仲晦,号晦庵,别号紫阳,谥文公。朱文公生于闽,长于闽,终老于闽。19岁中进士,授徒讲学近50年。专研考证注释经、史、文及讲学,建立 , 他继承了北宋程颢、程颐的理学,完成了的体系。
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