
阅读下列材料: 材料一:“方里而井,井九百亩,其中为公田。八家皆私百亩,同养公田,公事毕,然后敢治私事。” ——《孟子·滕文公上》 材料二:“秦……用商鞅之法,改帝王之制,除井田,民得卖买,富者连阡陌,贫者无立锥之地……” ——《汉书·食货志》 材料三:武德(唐高祖年号)七年,始定律令,以度田之制……丁男、中男给一顷,笃疾废疾给四十亩,寡妻妾三十亩,若为户者加二十亩所授之田,十分之二为世业,八为口分…… 补全对话A: Hi, Tom. I haven't seen you for a few days. Where have you been?B: A: Really? What's the weather like in Sanya?B: Oh, it's very warm. My uncle is working there. He likes water sports, especially swimming and surfing. He is good at surfing. Now I can surf by myself. Have you ever been to Sanya?A: I think I can go there this summer.B: Great! I will go to Sanya this summer, too. A: It sounds cool, but I don't know how to surf.B: Don't worry.A: By the way, where is your uncle now?B: He has gone to Beijing on business.
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