
Louis Armstrong, the most influential jazz musicians, is considered great not only because of his     61       (achieve) but also because of his personalities.      62         (bear) in a poor family in New Orleans in 1901, instead of       63     (commit) crimes to get money like some boys in his situation, Louis would sing on the streets in order to earn a few cents from      64        (passer-by). However, at the age of 12, Louis was arrested because of firing a gun into the air at a New Year's Eve party. In a school of problem boys, he 下面各组句子中,加粗的词语意义相同的一项是A.①百年多病独登台②相如虽驽,独畏廉将军哉B.①独留青冢向黄昏②秋天漠漠向昏黑C.①巫山巫峡气萧森②无边落木萧萧下D.①渚清沙白鸟飞回②移舟泊烟渚
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