
    It is a fine Sunday morning. There’re many Young Pioneers(少先队员)in the park. They are having a good time(玩得高兴). Some are playing games under a tree. Some are singing and dancing near the river. Some are running up the hill. Others are boating on the river. Where’s Li Lei? He's sitting on a chair by the river. What is he doing? He's reading. Where are Lucy and Lily? They're on the meadow(草地).What are they doing? They are running after a butterfly(蝴蝶).They want to catch (捉)it. (  )1.Who are in the park?____ A.Some students and teachers.  史实与推论,在正确的推论后写对,错误的推论后写错。史实推论判断(1)1946年丘吉尔在美国发表“铁幕演说”“铁幕”演说是冷战开始的标志 (2)新文化运动提出反对专制,提倡民主;反对愚昧,提倡科学;反对就旧文化,提倡新文化。新文化运动是中国新民主主义的开端 (3)1937年7月7日,日寇发动七七事变日本开始全面侵华 (4)中国近代史上提出“师夷长技以制夷”的是魏源魏源是中国近代史上“开眼看世界的第一人” (5)辛亥革命使民主共和观念深入人心辛亥革命是一场思想解放运动 (6)《马关条约》破坏了中国的领土主权甲午中日战争是中国近代史的开端  
英语 试题推荐