
资产阶级维新派把西方资产阶级政治学说同中国传说儒家思想相结合,其进步意义主要表现在                         (    ) A.有利于弘扬民族文化                          B.有利于中国资本主义的发展 C.动摇了封建专制统治的基础               D.推动了维新思想的传播Indiana 6-year-old Levi Mayhew suffers from a rare and fatal genetic disorder.According to a ________ from the Make-A-Wish Foundation(基金会),Levi is too sick to ________, so when he was able to ________ his wish, he did ________ extra special with it.Levi ________ his Make-A-Wish trip to 10-year-old Emma Broyer,his closest school friend who has been one of his biggest ________ throughout his medical challenges. Emma gives him ________ letters and gifts and asks her friends to do the same.Levi’s mom Rebecca Drake told WTHR that ________ in her son’s toughest moments,Emma never ________ to make him smile.“Just having Emma say ‘Hi’ to Levi made a world of ________.It opened two hearts at once.”she said.To show his ________, Levi wished Emma to take a special trip to Florida.For the little Indiana girl who’d never been on a plane,the surprise ________ was truly the trip of a lifetime.When Emma and her family went to Florida,they ________ a“Flat Levi” figure(画像),which they included on a11 of their ________.At their ________ party, Emma gave Levi an album “Emma and Levi’s trip.”Levi’s mom Rebecca told the news station:“It felt so good to ________ this little girl.Emma had given so much to us without even ________ it.It's a very warm feeling to know that another child loves and cares so much for your child,especially while facing the ________. It’s so innocent and pure.________ angels(天使) really do walk the earth,Emma is one.She’s Levi’s angel.This story proves that the ‘power of one’ is so ________.”1.A.doctorB.headmasterC.spokespersonD.teacher2.A.studyB.playC.swimD.travel3.A.obtainB.quitC.changeD.neglect4.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing5.A.donatedB.madeC.arrangedD.sold6.A.contributorsB.supportersC.sponsorsD.agents7.A.discouragingB.encouragingC.surprisingD.boring8.A.stillB.everC.evenD.perhaps9.A.remembersB.desiresC.expectsD.fails10.A.successB.differenceC.surpriseD.freedom11.A.mercyB.gratitudeC.delightD.pride12.A.experimentB.achievementC.vacationD.research13.A.gave outB.put upC.took awayD.brought along14.A.1ecturesB.flightsC.appointmentsD.adventures15.A.welcomeB.farewellC.graduationD.birthday16.A.payB.serveC.awardD.reward17.A.forgettingB.explainingC.realizingD.valuing18.A.cheersB.challengesC.opportunitiesD.advantages19.A.ThoughB.UnlessC.IfD.Since20.A.amazingB.satisfyingC.scaringD.disappointing
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