
There are two main forms of teaching in Notinghain University: serninar (研讨会)and leelure. They are very different from the sort of teaching most often used in schools and colleges.     In seminars you will be taught will discussion focusing on a lexl or lopic sel in sdrance in a Friendly and inforrrad alrnosphere. The purpoce is to provide an opportunity to try out new idesas and to think through diffieulties with fellow. Learners. Students develop friendsips through groups, as well as learning more about other people’s ideas. You can also know your tutors as an individual rather th13、阅读下面两首宋诗,然后回答问题。 夏  日 寇准 离心杳杳思迟迟,深院无人柳自垂。 日暮长廊闻燕语,轻寒微雨麦秋时。 夏  意 苏舜钦 别院深深夏席清,石榴开遍透帘明。 树阴满地日当午,梦觉流莺时一声。    (1)两首诗都写夏日,诗人感觉到的夏日季候分别有什么样的显著特点?         答:                                                                   (2)两首诗都写到了鸟鸣,寇诗是“燕语”,苏诗是“莺声”,结合全诗简要分析寇诗主人公和苏诗主人公在听到鸟鸣时分别是什么样的心情。         答:                                                                评卷人 得分 三、语言表达 (每空? 分,共? 分)
英语 试题推荐