
Most dog owners believe their dogs experience guilt,but animal behaviorists say the “guilty look” of a dog is simply a reaction to you and that dogs lack the ability to feel shame. Alexandra Horowitz, a psychology professor and principal investigator at the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab at Columbia University once carried out a study on dog “guilt”.She videotaped 14 dogs in a series of trials and observed how they reacted when their owners left the room after instructing them not to eat a treat. When the owner was gone, Horowitz gave some of the dogs the forbidden treat. Then she 下列各句中加点的词与现代汉语意思相同的一项是(  ) A.欲苟顺私情,则告诉不许。 B.臣欲奉诏奔驰,则刘病日笃。 C.臣之辛苦,非独蜀之人士及二州牧伯所见明知。 D.庶刘侥幸,保卒余年。
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