
When I was just 17, my father decided to turn an old guesthouse into a hotel, and he experimented with everything. None of us had ever worked in a hotel before, but my dad was sure of what guests would like to see.     For a month that summer, I served as a waitress, punctual at breakfast and dinner, which gave me the middle of the day free for studying. Like all the others, I did what the instructions said and treated the guests as though they were special visitors in my own home.     I soon learned how to deal with the most upsetting person in the kitchen: the cook, Gordon. He 一段时间以来,一种受肠出血性大肠杆菌污染的“毒黄瓜”已受到全世界的关注.在欧洲受这种大肠杆菌污染的“毒黄瓜”已致多人染病.截至5月31日由该病引起的死亡人数达到了16人.请据此分析回答下列问题.(1)肠出血性大肠杆菌是引起该病并导致死亡的罪魁祸首,从细胞结构看,它没有______.(2)有专家指出:“这种大肠杆菌主要通过食物和染病人、畜的排泄物传播.因此,人们只要严格注意个人饮食卫生,就能有效防范这种病菌.”从预防传染病措施上看,专家的这些建议属于______.(3)目前,德国的一些医院已开始小范围试用注射单克隆抗体新疗法治疗这种疾病,并已取得初步成效.人类通过这种方法获得的免疫是______免疫,它属于人体免疫的第______道防线.(4)相关资料表明,该病的诸多患者中有三分之一的重症患者会失去肾功能,必须接受血液透析治疗.你认为这样做的理由是帮助患者排除体内代谢产生的______.
英语 试题推荐