
Switzerland(瑞士)is famous for its watches. However, it was not this country that invented the watch. It was the British who did it. Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland. Many years ago, an Englishman was traveling to Italy. On his way he stopped in a small town in South Switzerland. This Englishman traveled in a carriage inside which there was a carriage watch, A native shop assistant happened to see the watch. He wondered what it was and asked the Englishman about it. “it was a carriage watch, ” said the man. “This machine tells the time but now it isn’t work下列实验方案能证明铁、铜、银三种金属活动性顺序的是(    )A.将铁丝、铜丝分别放入硝酸银溶液中,根据现象,判断结果 B.将铁丝分别放入硫酸铜、硝酸银溶液中,根据现象,判断结果 C.将铁、铜、银三种金属丝分别放入稀硫酸中,根据现象,判断结果 D.先将铁、铜、银三种金属丝分别放入稀硫酸中,再将铜丝放入硝酸银溶液中,根据现象,判断结果
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