
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick How do some friends survive every winter without even catching a cold?Some experts believe that they boost their immunity through simple lifestyle habits.Let's steal their strategies and stay healthy all winter long. (61)  It's long been known that friendship is good for your health.In fact,people with six or more types of relationship in their lives were 25% less likely to get sick than those with three or fewer.It's possible that people with various social networks have diverse perceptions of themselves﹣﹣﹣as a co﹣worker,f(37分)图13示意我国某省地理环境。阅读图文材料回答问题。材料一 在21世纪海洋经济、网络经济背景下,打造具有特色的现代产业体系,对沿海区域经济发展意义重大。材料二 都市农业位于城市内部和周边地区,是农业、科教、观光相结合,生态、经济、社会协调发展的现代农业。近年来,该省北部涌现出许多都市农业园区。(1)说出B港地理位置的主要特点。(6分)(2)简述该省发展海洋经济有利的自然条件。(11分)(3)从社会经济角度,分析该省北部形成都市农业园区的主要原因。(12分)(4)近年来在P地区形成“淘宝村”,主要利用进口木材加工木制品,并通过“淘宝网点”进行销售。人们对这种经济发展方式是否有利于区域可持续发展产生了争论,选择你支持的一种观点,并为其提供论据。(8分)观点A:有利于区域可持续发展。观点B:不利于区域可持续发展。
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