
Are you a TV lover? Can you imagine(想像) living without TV? Well, you could give it a try.A group of Americans , TV-turnoff Network, have an idea. From April 19 to 25, they are asking children all over the world to turn off their TVs for one week. They hope children will find more interesting things to do. Maybe they can read some books, or learn to swim,or paint a picture. Since 1995, about 24 million people in the US have taken part in TV-turnoff Week.TV-turnoff Week says watching TV too much can bring big problems to schools, health and families. They want kids to watch less TV. What do 水与人类的生活和生产密切相关.某实验小组发现实验室中得到的自来水呈黄色,有异味,且水样浑浊,有固体小颗粒.现对水样进行如下处理: ①向水样中加入明矾,搅拌溶解,静置沉淀后,进行 ___ (填操作名称),可得到清液; ②向上述清液中加入活性炭,利用其 ___ 作用除去水样中的颜色和异味,该过程属于 ___ 变化(填“物理”或“化学”). ③欲检验水样是否显酸性,可选用 ___ 或 ___ . ④小组同学利用一种新型的自来水消毒剂X,对水进行消毒.工业上制取X的化学方程式为:Cl2+2NaClO2==2NaCl+2X,则X的化学式为____ ,NaClO2中氯元素的化合价为____ . ⑤依据上述反应,若有2molCl2参与反应,则可产生NaCl ___ 克.
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