
列句子中加点词语的意思都不同于现代汉语的一组是(  ) ① 零丁孤苦     ② 则告诉不许    ③ 庶刘侥幸         ④ 将成家而致汝   ⑤ 臣之辛苦     ⑥ 牢笼百态      ⑦ 不可以不更也     ⑧ 而卒莫消长也 A.①②③⑥   B. ③④⑤⑦   C. ②④⑤⑥   D. ①⑥⑦⑧ 答案:C 解析: (告诉:申诉;成家:安家;辛苦:心酸苦楚;牢笼:包罗)With all the exercises needed ______, he went straight home, __________.A.to finish; happy and relaxedB.finished; happy and relaxedC.finishing; happily and relaxedD.to be finished; happily and relaxed
语文 试题推荐