
读书破万卷,__________。 答案:下笔如有神;完形填空(10分) Jane and John  1 sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she  2 play the violin. John can’t play the piano. But he 3  play the violin. Today they  4 to carry a piano to 5 bedroom.  6 piano is heavy(沉). They can’t  7 it.  8   parents aren’t at home. But they  9 a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to  10 them. 1.A、is                  B、am                      C、Are 2.A、can                B、can’t                  C、doesn’t 3.A、can                B、can’t                  C、is 4.A、like               B、want                  C、can 5.A、Jane               B、her                    C、their 6.A、The                B、a                      C、an 7.A、take               B、carry                   C、help 8.A、Jane’s and John  B、Jane and John’s       C、They’s 9.A、have               B、like                   C、want 10.A、come              B、go                     C、join
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