
下列加点字音都正确的一项是(    ) A. 絮说(xù)           狼藉(jí)       震悚(shǒng)            凹凼 (dàng) B.逶迤(yí)      尴尬(gān gà)        愧怍(zhuò)          挪动(nuó) C. 簌簌(sù)         琐屑(suǒ xiè)      奔丧(sāng)        胡同(tòng) D. 颓唐(tuí)          蹒跚(pán shān)    云翳(yì)          取缔(tì)You type almost anything,however unclear,into the space provided on Google and in a second it ________ with thousands of references. A catches up       B.comes up C.ends up      D.puts up
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