
下列字形和加点字注音全部正确的一项是(    )                          (2分)  A.炽热(zhì)    静谧     风雪载途(zài)     随声附和  B.擅长(shàn)   赢弱      同仇敌忾(kài)     未雨绸缪 C.发酵(jiào)   媲美     偃旗息鼓(yǎn)    消声匿迹 D.庇护(bì)     笼罩     相形见绌(chù)    好高骛远 从方框中选择适当的句子填空,完成对话Kitty: Hello!1. Simon: Hello. This is Simon speaking. Is that Kitty? Kitty. Right.2. Simon. I d like to.3.Kitty: We can see some Chinese paintings there.Simon: 4.Kitty: Two exchange students from the UK. Museum tomorrow?Simon: That sounds great. (5) Kitty: We?ll meet in front of your home at 10 a.m.Simon: OK. (6) A. Who else will go with us?B. When and where shall we meet?C. May I speak to Simon, please?D. What can we see there?E. Tm sure we will enjoy a full day there.F. Would you like to go to the Palace
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