
根据句意和汉语提示,在空格中填入正确的单词。 81. Our school __________(提供) the students who want to succeed with a good stage. 82. China has made great     _____ (进步) in sending man-made satellites into space. 83. .____________ (无论何时) you need my help, please call me. 84. We ought to take _______________(措施) to stop the price of meat from growing too fast. 85. We are going to ____________(划分)the class into small groups . 86. There are many ____________ (毛巾) in the box. 87. They are doing their homework carefully. You’d better n在下列选项中,属于正式规则的是 ①社会制度②《中学生守则》③《中华人民共和国义务教育法》④爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献 A.①② B.①②③④C.①②③ D.②③④
英语 试题推荐