
At one level, the Internet has enabled people to make connections they might not otherwise have made, and virtual friendships can ______ real-life relationships. A. evolve into          B. arise from               C. seek for                   D. attach to 答案:A字词积累——下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是( )A. 酝酿(liànɡ) 憔悴(qiáo) 威慑(shé) 咄咄逼人(duō)B. 凯歌(kǎi) 清冽(liè) 静谧(mì) 拈轻怕重(niān)C. 霎时(chà) 愕然(è) 喧嚣(xiāo) 参差不齐(cēn)D. 嗔怪(zhēn) 蜷曲(juǎn) 绽开(zhàn) 恍然大悟(huǎnɡ)
英语 试题推荐