
阅读材料,回答问题: 中国在历史上产生过九个统一的全国的大朝代,我们可称秦汉为“第一帝国”,隋唐宋为“第二帝国”,明清则为“第三帝国”。第一帝国的政体还带贵族性格,世族力量强大。第二帝国则大规模和有系统地科举取士,造成新的官僚政治,而且将经济重心由华北的旱田地带逐渐转移到华南的水田地带。……若将第二帝国和第三帝国比较,则可以看出第二帝国“外向”“开放”,带“竞争性”。与明清之“内向”“保守”及“非 Fill in the blanks with these words It was   1  , and Mum decided to   2   her son Tom out to dinner as Tom's   3   was still   4   with his work in the office.Mum and Tom came to a   5   restaurant.Tom was   6   as mum let him have two ice creams.Then they came into the restaurant.Mum   7   some food and two cups of tea,   8   Tom liked   9   instead of tea.Mum was happy to see that her son was a   10   eater.
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