
阅读下面这首词,完成下题。 唐多令 吴文英 何处合成愁?离人心上秋。纵芭蕉、不雨也飕飕。都道晚凉天气好,有明月、怕登楼。 年事梦中休。花空烟水流。燕辞归、客尚淹留。垂柳不萦裙带住,漫长是、系行舟。 [注释]漫:徒然。 13.“离人心上秋”自古为人称道,请简要赏析。作者为什么说“有明月、怕登楼”? 14.词的下片手法多样,感情丰富,试作简要分析。 Teenage life-better now, or in the past?Does this situation sound familiar?You are complaining to your parents about something. Maybe your computer isn’t powerful enough to play the latest games. 【1】 Then you hear...When I was your age, there weren’t any computers or video games, And I didn’t get a bike until I was sixteen. And it was second-hand. And it was too big for me.So, is it really true that life is better for teenagers now? It is certainly true that many teenagers have got more things nowadays. 【2】 So parents have got more money to spend on each child. And many things are cheaper than they were when our parents were children.【3】 Forty years ago, no one could imagine a world with tiny computers and amazing smart phones. And now these things are necessary-we can’t imagine living without them!However, technology often means we spend more time at home And often it's just with our computer or television. Teenagers don’t do enough exercises. 【4】 And, although young people still get on well with their friends, some people think teenagers today don’t have so many social activities as they did in the past.What do you think? How is teenage life better these days?A. And they are healthy and strong.B. A typical family is smaller now.C. Or your friends’ bikes are better than yours!D. So they aren’t as healthy as they were in the past.E. Technology is probably the greatest change in our life.
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