
Educators and explorers Will Steger, John Stetson, Elizabeth Andre and Abby Fenton joined four Inuit hunters on a 1,200-mile, four-month-long dog-seld expedition (考察队) across the Canadian Arctic’s Baffin Island. The expedition is travelling with four Inuit dog teams over traditional hunting paths, up frozen rivers, through steep-sided bays, over glaciers and ice caps, and across the sea ice to reach some of the most remote Inuit village of the world. The travelers wake up early around 6 a. m . During the course of the day they are able to travel about 17 miles. They hope to be able to 用总长为40m的篱笆围成一个矩形花圃,花圃的最大面积是________.
英语 试题推荐