
My heart story started when I was 13 years old. My father died of a heart attack while on a golf course at the young age of 45. Heart disease   41   in my family. Like my father, I have extremely high lipid(脂质)levels and the good news is that today there are some   42   that can significantly reduce my lipid levels to   43   normal ranges. In 2011, when I was 45 and my own son was 13, history   44   itself. While skating with my son, I began to   45  an “uncomfortable feeling”. I didn’t think it was heart-related. When we   46   my wife gave me as20.“不到长城非好汉…”出自毛.泽东的《清平乐•六盘山》.今年国庆期间北京八达岭长城的游客络绎不绝,下列图例表示长城的是(  )A.B.C.D.
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