
   The tourism business in Hong Kong has been through some very hard times. Ten years ago, with all the economic problems in Asia, far fewer tourists were visiting Hong Kong. However, the SAR (特别行政区) was still one of the most popular destinations in Asia, and a favored location for international meetings and exhibitions. The year 1997 was the best year for tourism in the 1990s. However in 1998, the figure was down by 8% from 10.4 million tourist arrivals recorded in the previous year. Tourism was still big business, though. The mainland was Hong Kong’s largest source of vi若集合A={x||x|≤1,x∈R},B={y|y=x2,x∈R},则A∩B=( )A.{x|-1≤x≤1}B.{x|x≥0}C.{x|0≤x≤1}D.∅
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