
Spring is here and so is the cycling season. Here are some tips on how to do it safely and comfortably.Watch your feet—Pushing with the wrong part of the foot can raise your risk of developing a painful injury of the heel and arch (足背), says Rob Werstine, a sports physiotherapist (理疗师) and board member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. You should push with the ball of your foot, he says. Layer up—While it's still cool, wear layers of clothing, with clothing close to the body that breathes and outer layers that do not absorb water. Go for bright colors that incr依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是我无意颂扬苦难。如果允许自选, , , , , , 。而且我相信,当他带着这笔财富继续生活时,他的创造和体验都会有一种深刻的底蕴。①由于它来之不易,绝不会轻易丧失②人性的某些物质,唯有借此机会才能得到考验和提高③我宁要平安的生活,得以自由自在地创造和享受④一旦遭遇,它也的确提供了一种机会⑤我一个人通过承受苦难而获得的精神价值是一笔特殊的财富⑥但是,我相信苦难的确是人生的必含内容A.①⑤②④③⑥ B.①⑥④②③⑤ C.③⑥④②⑤① D.③④⑥①②⑤
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