
It is a sad fact of life that only one or two percent of invented items make money for their inventors.The author of this book believes this could be increased to ten percent if inventors were provided with and used the information available now. Most inventors do not have the qualities needed for creating successful businesses.Thomas Edison is a classic example.Though a brilliant inventor,he often failed when he tried to commercialize(利用……牟利)his inventions. A frequent mistake is that they didn't do basic market research at an early stage.They have spent much money on pate要将两种大小不同的钢板截成A,B,C三种规格,每张钢板可同时截成三种规格小钢板块数如下表. 每块钢板面积第一种1平方单位,第二种2平方单位,今需要A,B,C三种规格的成品各12,15,27块,问各截两种钢板多少张,可得到所需三种规格成品,且使用钢板面积最小.
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