
John Steinbeck once said, “All Americans believe they are born fishermen. For a man to admit to a distaste in fishing would be like denouncing (公开指责) mother – love or hating moonlight.” I can’t say that I’m the biggest John Steinbeck fan. Actually, the only thing I can ever remember reading by him was “The pearl” when I was in middle school, but I couldn’t agree more with the man when it comes to fishing. Whether I am on a boat in the middle of the Lay Lake, fishing off the shores of the Florida Keys for tarpon (大海鲢) or catching rainbow trout (红鲭鱼) in the Sh王婶到医院体检,血液检验报告单上显示,RBC:3.0(正常值3.5~5.0)×1012个/L,Hb:100(正常值110~150)g/L.她除应多食用含蛋白质丰富的食物以外,还应多食用下列哪类食物( )A.含铁多的食物B.含磷多的食物C.含碘多的食物D.含维生素A多的食物
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