
My friend, Victor, is a zoo keeper in the National Zoo. His work is very interesting but it is hard. Sometimes it is dangerous, too. Every morning the zoo keepers have to get up at five to prepare the food for the animals. Each kind of animal is given special food. For example, the lions must be given meat; the deer must be given grass and leaves; and the parrots must be given fruit and nuts. Sometimes some animals won't let the others eat their food. If this happens,  each of them must be fed separately(分离地) . Every morning each cage must be washed by the zoo keepers. This can 19.规范合理的实验操作是实验成功的重要保证.下列做法合理的是(  )A.吸取氢氧化钠溶液后的胶头滴管可直接再吸取氢氧化钙溶液B.为减少实验误差,在量筒内溶解氯化钠C.为防止产生的液体洒落,加热硫酸铜晶体时将试管口略向上倾斜D.做蜡烛在氧气中燃烧的实验时用向上排空气法收集所需的氧气
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