
(1)在做体育训练拉单杠时,体育老师给小明使用了“镁粉”(主要成分是碳酸镁),碳酸镁的化学式为MgCO3,求碳酸镁的相对分子质量是 ,碳酸镁中镁元素、碳元素和氧元素质量比是 ,碳酸镁中镁元素的质量分数是 .(保留小数点后一位) (2)8.8克二氧化碳中氧元素质量和多少克碳酸镁中氧元素相等?(列式求解) 根据对话内容。从对话后面的选项中选择五个正确的句子,完成下列对话。 A.You're welcome. B.That's right. C.What's the time? D.I can't have breakfast. E.Who are you?F.What are you late for? G.It's Sunday today. Tom: Really? 1.            Bob: It's about 7:30. Tom: What? It's 7:30 now. I must get up. I'm late.Bob: Oh,Tom, wait. Just sit down and have, breakfast. Tom: 2.             There's no time, you know. I'm late.Bob: 3.             Tom: For school. You see. Classes begin at 8:00. Bob: Well don't worry. What day is it today? Please tell me.Tom: It 4.            (Tom laughs.)Bob: Oh, 5.            So just sit down and have breakfast with me. (Bob laughs, too.)
化学 试题推荐