
The deadliest Ebola outbreak in history that has so far killed almost 1000 people in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in West Africa has caused fear around the world. The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的)both in infection numbers and in geographic scope. Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this month the outbreak “is moving faster than our efforts to control it”, reported CNN. So far, the battle against the virus doesn’t appear to be slowing down. The Ebola virus is terrifying no matter where it strikes: It’s a disease with no cure that读句子,按要求完成练习。句一:胡萝卜先生常常为胡子发愁,因为他长着浓密的胡子,必须每天刮胡子。1.“浓密”的意思是________________。除了说浓密的胡子,还可以说浓密的________。2.从“常常”“发愁”等词语可以看出胡萝卜先生________他的胡子。句二:“这绳子够长了,就是不知道够不够牢固。”小男孩说完就扯了扯胡子,他确定足够牢固,就剪了一段用来放风筝。3.句二中的“这绳子”是____________________。4.从这段话中我体会到胡萝卜先生的( )精神。(多项选择)A.善良 B.有爱心 C.默默奉献
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