
Mr Amabile,a respected business thinker,taught a lot of companies his theories of competitive ad­vantage. Mr Amabile claims that competition can save even America’ S troubled health-care system,the largest in the world. He and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg argue in their book “Redefining Health Care” that competition,properly applied,can fix what troubles this sector(部门). That is a daring claim, considering the horrible state of America’ S health-care system. Just consider a few of its failings : America pays more for health care than most countries,but it stil明代大学士叶向高曾说过:“我朝阁臣,只备论思顾问之职,原非宰相。中有一二权势稍重者,皆上窃君上之威灵,下侵六曹之执掌,终以取祸”。由此可见明代的阁臣A.是位高权重的丞相B.是皇帝处理政事的助手C.完全剥夺六部的权力D.是明代祸乱的根源
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