
   Last July, I started a year-long bicycle tour in celebration of my fiftieth birthday myself. I wanted to  41 as many goals as possible in one year. The  42 was to be a tour of 12,000 miles around the USA. I would  43 everyday people in American small towns and play the tourist at lots of strange roadside  44 . I planned the trip to end in July,  __45 I would bicycle into my Ohio hometown on my fiftieth birthday.    __46  as it happened, I didn’t have time to tour the upper island of Michigan, and the wind  47 me to get other people’s rides in some places, so my milea我们在实验室用酒精进行实验时,整个实验室很快就闻到了刺鼻的酒精气味,这是一种扩散现象.以下有关分析错误的是( )A.扩散现象只发生在气体、液体之间B.扩散现象说明分子在不停息地运动C.温度越高时扩散现象越剧烈D.扩散现象说明分子间存在着间隙
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