
Growing up in the poverty of colonial Africa, America was my shining people. Martin Luther King’s non-violent political struggle made freedom and equality sound like  41 goals. America’s ideals filled my   42  and I promised myself that I would  43 on America’s streets.   44   ,as soon as I set foot is America’s hospitals, reality and racism(种族歧视)quickly intruded(侵入)on the ideals. My color and accent set me   45  . But in a hospital I am neither black nor white. I believe every patient that I touch deserves the  46 care and concern from me. Once 下列是有关念珠藻的叙述,其中不正确的是(  ) A.具有与大肠杆菌类似的细胞壁 B.具有腐生生活习性,可生活在污染严重的河沟内 C.在传宗接代过程中,以DNA传递遗传信息 D.属于自养生物,具有净化水质的作用
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