
China's admiration of outstanding scholars has turned the well-preserved childhood home of Tu Youyou, the Chinese pharmacologist(药理学家)  who won this year's Nobel Prize in physiology(生理学) or Medicine, into a popular tourist destination.      Since it was announced on Monday that 84-year-old Tu had become the first Chinese citizen to win this international prize, her former home in the old town of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, has attracted visitors, especially parents and their children-even though it is not open to the public.      The house, where Tu lived until sh将下列物质分别按混合物、纯净物、单质、化合物、氧化物分类(填序号):①空气     ②氧气    ③水蒸气   ④二氧化硫 ⑤高锰酸钾   ⑥铁粉      ⑦氮气      ⑧氧化铁混合物:①①;纯净物:②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧;单  质:②⑥⑦②⑥⑦;化合物:③④⑤⑧③④⑤⑧;氧化物:③④⑧③④⑧.
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