
电影《霍元甲》展现了祖籍天津的武术家霍元甲(1861—1910)在上海租界设武馆、打擂比武的生活经历。当时,霍元甲可能见到的社会现象是(   ) A长跑马褂与西服革履并行不悖          B《申报》登载着武昌起义的要闻 C轮船招商局在接运国民革命军          D人们到电影院看《歌女红牡丹》1.The official finally hung up after she explained and_________(道歉).2.I felt he was_________(observe) everything I did.3.They decided to stay in_________(支持)of the new leadership.4.I don't think we're any_________(bad) off than a lot of other people.5.He had to be_________(满足的)with the result.6.The school is widely_________(admire) for its excellent teaching.7.So,it is necessary to take several_________(措施)to strengthen librarians' ability in order to make the research go smoothly.8.It is a country_________(struggle) for independence.9.How do you think of your written and_________(口语的)English?10.Children shouldn't be allowed to watch_________(violence)movies.
历史 试题推荐